My Toxic Life – Another human cost of the Irish Air Corps Toxic Chemical Health & Safety scandal

Sitting here waiting to cool down enough to have a shower after another gym session. Worried that posting my fitness goals on social media will give ammunition to the Dept of Defence against my fight for an apology, yes an apology, compensation would be nice but will not cure me only help me and my family should the worse happen and pay for all the medications and tests I’m already taking. An apology for endless years of being told ‘suck it up and put on your uniform and go back to work’…being bullied for being sick.

I served twenty two years. You think if I didn’t love my job and wanted money I’d have stuck all that harassment for 22 years. You think I’d have paid thousands of euros for medical tests out of my own pocket if I wasn’t worried about my health?

The Dept weren’t there when I got up every morning suffering from diarrhoea. Hoping it make it to work without soiling myself. I can’t go anywhere without anti-diarrhoea tablets.

They weren’t there when I was vomiting on my knees in the toilet from pure anxiety. When I was crying like a baby not knowing why or what was happening in my body. When I couldn’t get out of bed for fear of well fear of nothing because the wiring in my brain was malfunctioning.

They weren’t there when I blew a fuse with my wife because of uncontrollable mood swings. They weren’t there when I had to get cameras up me to see why I was always suffering stomach pains. They weren’t with me when I embarrassingly had to tell my story over and over again to counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors , nurses , who all bar one brushed it off and said I don’t think this is psychological. “I laughed and said google says I’ve MS!” His face went serious and said that was his next opinion. I paid to get a brain MRI the next day and waited an agonising 48 hrs for the results which were negative . Fancy that , it’s being caused by something else.

I was finally diagnosed with toxic Neuropathy three years ago and associated conditions. I was also told I was at high risk of cancer of some form (like many of my mates already).

So Dept of Defence , all those days I went to work and done my best, performed flawlessly according to my personal record, I was pushing myself to the limit. When I was sick I had passed that limit (sorry I forgot, I was malingering hence my extra duties) but all those days I held it together in my ticking time bomb of a body because I loved my job. Was I lying ? No. Are you lying ? Yes!!!!

You can’t give me my life back I’m damaged till this body gives up but at least say sorry and say it loud so that the many who don’t realise why they are suffering also can hear you.

Better have that shower now and continue on my seemingly heavenly social media life.

22 Years Air Corps Service

Constructively dismissed by Irish Army Air Corps management as a malingerer.

Minister on defensive in Irish Army Air Corps questioning

After a series of revelations in this newspaper, the defence minister addressed the Dáil on air corps health concerns. But he told us what we already knew, writes Joe Leogue.

The Dáil discussion on the health and safety management of dangerous chemicals in the air corps confirmed what we already knew, while leaving a number of questions unanswered.

Read more on the Irish Examiner website

More Irish Army Air Corps compensation claims in the pipeline

The State is facing further claims that Air Corps staff may have suffered illnesses as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals at Casement Aerodrome.

The solicitor representing six people currently taking legal action over their exposure to toxic chemicals confirmed he has received instruction from up to six more workers who are considering submitting personal injury claims.

Read more on the Irish Examiner website

New Locations & New Illnesses

We are delighted to announce that No3 Support Wing (Helicopter Wing) & Gormanston Camp have joined the list of toxic sites with staff suffering life threatening illness.

We are also delighted to announce that we have added Hypokalemia and Occupational Asthma to the illness list.


Opposition parties to raise Irish Army Air Corps claims in the Dáil

​Opposition parties are to raise whistleblowers’ concerns on the management of air corps staff exposure to hazardous chemicals in the Dáil today.

Read more on the Irish Examiner website

OHSI 24th Annual Conference – “Risky Business”

Chemical Agent Risk Assessment Workshop – Speakers

Commandant Colin Roche has over 30 years service in the Air Corps. During that period he has been involved in the maintenance and management of the Air Corps fleet. He was also for over a decade responsible for health and safety management. He is the Defence Forces expert in occupational and weapons noise and in this context has established the hearing protection standard for the Defence Forces.

Read more on the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland website


Air Corps whistleblowers’ struggle for an investigation

Christmas week 2015, and as the country busied itself preparing for the festive season, Taoiseach Enda Kenny, defence minister Simon Coveney, and junior defence minister Paul Kehoe paid a pre-election visit to Irish troops serving peace-keeping operations in Lebanon and the Golan Heights.

Photographs released from the highly publicised trip saw the Taoiseach and his travelling party don blue helmets as they went to thank the troops and their families for their service.

However, not everyone was impressed with the visit.

Read more on the Irish Examiner website

Simon Coveney & Enda Kenny were warned of Air Corps concerns

Three whistleblowers warned Enda Kenny and then defence minister Simon Coveney about conditions at the Air Corps headquarters almost a year before the health watchdog issued a critical report on the management of hazardous chemicals at Casement Aerodrome.

Read more on the Irish Examiner website

Jet Fuel Toxins More Of A Problem To Airfield Workers Than To Travelers

If you are a frequent flier for business or pleasure, should you be worried about jet fuel exposure? People who are exposed to jet fuel vapors only occasionally typically have a chance to recover between flights. For them, problems from jet fuel are likely to be minimal.

But if you work at the airport, especially if you work in close proximity to planes, or you live under a flight path, the toxic effects of jet fuel pollution should be a concern for you. Here are seven facts airfield and airport workers and people who live close (within 1 mile/2 km) of airports need to know.

Read full article on Steady Health