Mental Health and the Irish Air Corp illness cluster

A new report by Mental Health Reform, the national coalition on mental health in Ireland, has found strong public support for increased State investment in mental health services.

A survey carried out by the coalition found that 84% of respondents thought that the health service places too little focus on mental health.

The study found that the public are willing to invest more in mental healthcare when compared to other related healthcare programmes.

Mental Health Reform says staffing in mental health services is lower now than it was in 2008 and it is calling on the Government to boost investment in the area.

Note the graph below only includes personnel for whom we have death certificates for. We are in the process of verifying many more deaths, most of which relate to the earlier decades.


Prevention is better than cure.

If the government bother to medically & scientifically investigate the mental health illness cluster at the #IrishAirCorps where at least 13 serving & former personnel have killed themselves since 1980 they might learn something about environmental causes & triggers of mental health problems.

We suspect hydrocarbon fuels, engine exhausts, isocyanates, VOCs etc all have a part to play and the civilian population get exposed to these too but usually at lower levels.

So far the state have only sent in barristers. Think about it 65 men dead at an average age of 49 years and all the state can mobilise is barristers.

In the absence of military or government statistics on untimely deaths in the Irish Air Corps we created our own. We are happy to have these tested or even proven wrong by better statistics gathered by the state in a comprehensive, open and transparent manner. #WeAreNotStatisticians

Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs & Trade, & Defence to visit Irish Air Corps

If the Irish Army Air Corps was compliant with state Health & Safety legislation with regards to chemical safety then why did great progress need to be made in the first place?

Dearest leader to bring Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence to visit Baldonnel to view greatest progress in the Air Corps “Stop Killing Our Staff” program.


Statistics for Dr. Leo Varadkar showing untimely deaths of Irish Air Corps personnel

A graph showing untimely deaths of men who served in the Irish Air Corps. We are counting those that died since 1980 (arbitrary) and who died on or before age 66 (state pension age).

On Wednesday the 7th of February 2018 in Dáil Éireann, Taoiseach, Dr. Leo Varadkar, said the place to investigate Irish Air Corps related deaths & illnesses was the Irish courts system and also bizarrely questioned why thousands of exposed personnel, exposed to hundreds of different toxic chemicals didn’t all get the same cancer?

Note the graph below only includes personnel for whom we have death certificates for. We are in the process of verifying approximately 30 more deaths, many of which relate to the earlier decades.

In the absence of military or government statistics on untimely deaths in the Irish Air Corps we created our own. We are happy to have these tested or even proven wrong by better statistics gathered by the state in a comprehensive, open and transparent manner. #WeAreNotStatisticians

I am passing you a list of 56 verified deaths of Irish Air Corps colleagues

A NEW PROTECTED disclosure has been sent to Defence Minister Paul Kehoe detailing a number of “verified deaths” of those allegedly affected by the Air Corps chemical scandal.

It’s the contention of a number of Air Corps members, who have since retired, that the effects of the chemicals they handled as part of their work contributed to dozens of workers at the Baldonnel Airfield becoming ill.

In a protected disclosure made by one of the workers last year, it has also been alleged that the partners of male members of the force suffered serious fertility issues and a number of miscarriages. Other children, according to the previous protected disclosure, are living with life-changing illnesses and, in some cases, have died.

But a new disclosure, submitted last week, claims that the number of untimely deaths from the scandal has “grown exponentially”.

Read full article on The Journal website below…

Delay – Deny – Die

Dáil Éireann – Priority Question 36 – July 11th 2017

To the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence.

36. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if his department contacted the companies or persons that carried out the 1990s safety reports into aspects of the Air Corps’ safety procedures at Casement aerodrome, Baldonnel on behalf of the State agency Forbairt in order to ascertain if they might still have copies of the reports that his department claims to have lost.

Aengus Ó Snodaigh. [32262/17]

Dáil Éireann – Priority Question 29 – July 11th 2017

To the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence.

29. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his views on whether it is credible that all copies of the reports of inspections into health and safety at Casement Aerodrome in the 1990s sent by Forbairt to the Department of Defence in 1995, 1997 and 1998 have disappeared; his further views on the position of military authorities whose unconcern at their disappearance is matched by their inaction when informed the reports were missing; if he will initiate an independent probe into the disappearance of these reports which whistle-blowers claim in a protected disclosure were to be shredded on the orders of a named official; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Aengus Ó Snodaigh. [32215/17]

Dáil Éireann – Priority Question 28 – July 11th 2017

To the Taoiseach & Minister for Defence.

28. To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence when he received the report reviewing claims made by Air Corps whistle-blowers; when it will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Lisa Chambers. [32775/17]