An information resource for serving & former members of the Irish Army Air Corps suffering illness due to unprotected toxic chemical exposure in the workplace.
Taoiseach asks why Irish Air Corps personnel didn’t all get the same cancer?
One thought on “Taoiseach asks why Irish Air Corps personnel didn’t all get the same cancer?”
As a Brit would say, Leo doesn’t know his arse from his elbow – despite having studied anatomy as a doctor. People develop cancers in particular body parts, of a type they have a predisposition to, due to an existing bodily weakness or a hereditary condition etc. etc. Cancer attacks a weakness, weaknesses can be cause by chemicals, chemicals also attack weak points. It’s not rocket science, Leo, its BASIC ANATOMICAL MEDICINE. What planet did you study on?
As a Brit would say, Leo doesn’t know his arse from his elbow – despite having studied anatomy as a doctor. People develop cancers in particular body parts, of a type they have a predisposition to, due to an existing bodily weakness or a hereditary condition etc. etc. Cancer attacks a weakness, weaknesses can be cause by chemicals, chemicals also attack weak points. It’s not rocket science, Leo, its BASIC ANATOMICAL MEDICINE. What planet did you study on?